What is UPI LITE X? How does it work? What are the advantages?

What Is UPI Lite X

Unified Payments Interface (UPI) has revolutionized the way we handle our finances in India. UPI LITE X takes this convenience to the next level by making hassle-free, offline payments a reality.

What is UPI LITE X?

UPI LITE X is a groundbreaking feature from the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) that empowers you to make payments even when network connectivity is poor or entirely absent. Think of it as UPI, but optimized for those occasions when the internet won't cooperate.

How UPI LITE X Works

  1. UPI LITE X Offline Feature: Both the sender and receiver of the payment must have the UPI LITE X offline option enabled.
  2. UPI LITE Wallet: This type of transaction pulls funds from your already established UPI LITE wallet.
  3. Transaction Limits: Safety is built-in, with an upper limit of ₹500 per transaction for both in-person and online uses.
  4. Say Goodbye to Internet Reliance: You and the receiver can complete these transactions with or without a data connection.
  5. NFC Communication: Payments are processed through secure, short-range Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.
  6. Limited Offline Transactions: For security, offline transactions have limits – one debit payment and a maximum of 10 credit payments.
  7. 4-Day Reconnection Requirement: You'll need to bring your device back online within four days of an offline transaction.

Transaction Flow

The process couldn't be easier:

  1. Open your favorite UPI app.
  2. Look for the “Tap & Pay” button.
  3. Enter the transaction amount.
  4. Gently tap your phone and the receiver's phone together.
  5. Payment complete! No UPI PIN is required.

Advantages of UPI LITE X

  • Offline Access: Finally, reliable payments in places like planes, remote areas, or locations with spotty internet connections.
  • Boosted Accessibility: A huge benefit for wider use across a variety of situations.
  • Higher Success Rates: Less frustration thanks to smoother transactions with UPI LITE X.

UPI LITE X - Special Situations

  • App Change or Phone Switch: To reclaim your UPI LITE X balance, disable the service before uninstalling or changing devices. If not, your balance is temporarily held for four days while your bank does a security review.
  • Switching Phone Operating Systems: Disable UPI LITE X before the switch to get your balance refunded (Android to iOS or vice versa).
  • Lost/Stolen/Damaged Phone: Report the device issue to your bank immediately. They'll disable LITE X and refund your balance.


Q: Is UPI LITE X available on all UPI apps? A: Not yet. Check with your specific UPI provider for LITE X compatibility.

Q: Will my UPI LITE X balance expire? A: Nope! As long as the feature is enabled on your device, you keep your balance.

Q: Are UPI LITE X transactions free? A: It depends on your UPI app and bank, but in many cases, they are free.

Q: Why does UPI LITE X have a transaction limit? A: This is a security measure to protect users.

Q: When should I use UPI LITE X instead of regular UPI? A: Offline payments with LITE X are helpful when the internet is unreliable.

Q: Does the receiver's phone need to be NFC-enabled too? A: Yes, both devices need NFC for an offline LITE X transaction.

Q: Can I send money to anyone with UPI LITE X? A: The receiver must also have LITE X active. It's essentially sending between two LITE X wallets.

Q: Where can I find UPI LITE X on my UPI app? A: Look for "Tap & Pay" or something similar.

Q: Does UPI LITE X work on iOS devices? A: Currently, only Android devices are supported.

Q: Does my UPI LITE wallet need a separate balance? A: Nope! UPI LITE and LITE X pull from the same wallet.


  1. How To Handle Upi Lite X Balance When Changing a Device On Same OS
  2. How To Handle Upi Lite X Balance When Changing a Device On Different OS
  3. UPI Lite X What To Do If Your Phone Is Lost, Stolen, or Damaged
  4. UPI Lite X Daily Limit of Top Banks In India